Hiromi Ikegami
”健康を通じて人々の幸せを支援したい”という思いから、企業・自治体の保健師を経て公衆衛生修士(MPH)を取得。 現在は保険者と企業とのコラボヘルスや”自然に健康になれるまちづくり”プロジェクトに携わっている。 元々、心身のメンテナンスのためにヨガやマインドフルネスに取り組んでいたが、大学院でマインドフルネス研究者・実践者の方々と交流を持ったことをきっかけに、個人や組織・地域が抱える課題解決にマインドフルネスを活かしていきたいと考えるようになった。 Zen2.0には2021カンファレンスをはじめ、何度か参加する中でその理念に共感。微力ながら自身も運営に携わりたいと思い、ボランティアとして初参加する。
After working as a public health nurse for companies and local authorities, she obtained a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree, with a desire to support people’s happiness through health. Currently, she is involved in collaborative health projects between insurers and companies, as well as in community development projects where people can be healthy naturally. She originally practised yoga and mindfulness for physical and mental maintenance, but after interacting with mindfulness researchers and practitioners at graduate school, she decided to utilise mindfulness to solve problems faced by individuals, organisations and communities. He has participated in Zen2.0 several times, including at the 2021 Conference, and empathises with its philosophy. She wanted to be involved in the running of Zen2.0, even if only in a small way, and so joined the organisation as a volunteer for the first time.